SpeedyLight+ Helps Solve Severe I&I Issues in a Challenging Location

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SpeedyLight+ Helps Solve Severe I&I Issues in a Challenging Location

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A private school in Massachusetts was experiencing backups due to roots, but knew they really had a problem when the city flagged a severe inflow and infiltration situation. 

Founded in 1778, the school has a pipe system that was installed long ago in a very different landscape. The problem pipe serviced two buildings. It ran under and near sensitive wooded and wetland areas, raising environmental concerns surrounding pipelining methods and chemicals leaching into the soil. Additionally, several access manholes to the line were only accessible by foot or ATV. 

New England Pipe Restoration was called in to solve the problem for the school. The accessibility challenge, combined with backups being caused by root intrusion and the major I&I issues, created a scenario that required powerful – and transportable – equipment. 

The team chose Pipeline Renewal Technologies’ SpeedyLight+ for LED-based UV CIPP and Omega Liner’s fully encapsulated UV liner to resolve both access and environmental challenges. LED UV cure meant the project would have no downstream steam condensate to capture and dispose of, and SpeedyLight’s compact size (3.5 feet x 1.5 feet x 3.75 feet, 145 pounds) made transportation to many of the access points possible via an ATV trailer. 

A total of 1,400 feet of 6-inch pipe were lined, completed in segments of 300 feet each. SpeedyLight+ has a reach of 328 feet, and efficiently tackled each segment. PRT team members were onsite to support New England Pipe Restoration on the job and serve as a safety net.

The school was so impressed with the work done that they contracted New England Pipe Restoration for an additional project, with PRT on site to assist again. Contact PRT to see how SpeedyLight+ can solve challenges you encounter.

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