Vac-Con's C70 Video Nozzle Offers Cleaning, Inspection and Reporting System

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In this video from the 2022 WWETT Show, Mike Selby of Vac-Con shows off the company’s C70 video cleaning nozzle. The nozzle is capable of logging eight hours of video time as it offers high-quality cleaning performance in 6- to 40-inch pipes.

When you purchase a C70, you get everything you need to get to work, including the nozzle body, auto upright HD camera, eight pressure switched LEDs, eight exchangeable jet inserts, double sapphire lenses, wireless video downloading and a rugged tablet with GPS.

“The really powerful tool with this is what we call sewer analytics,” Selby says. “You have the video nozzle, you have the ability to replay the video in the field as you take the video, but the big portion of this is that you have a powerful software tool that allows you to inventory everything that you’re cleaning.”

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