A Plumber’s Personality Traits Revealed

A Plumber’s Personality Traits Revealed

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A recent survey of 1,808 plumbers uncovered fascinating details about what makes this profession tick. Plumbers embody a blend of realistic and investigative qualities. With a penchant for hands-on work and a curious, inquisitive nature, they thrive in environments that allow them to explore and problem-solve.

Interestingly, the survey revealed that plumbers also exhibit strong social responsibility and extraversion. This suggests a deep concern for fairness and a genuine care for others. Even though these characteristics might not match the typical idea of what a plumber is like, they show that people in this field have a variety of qualities and skills.

For both plumbers and those considering a career as a plumber, these findings offer valuable knowledge into the ideal personality traits for success in the profession. Whether you relate more with the practical side or the socially responsible, outgoing aspect, understanding these traits can help you choose the right path.


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