Heartfelt TikTok Highlights Family Legacy in Plumbing

In a touching TikTok video, @plumberjohnn shares the heartfelt story of working alongside his dad, a master plumber and the owner of their family plumbing business. In the clip, John and his father are seen tackling a job involving a variety of plumbing tasks. These include working with 4-inch stubbed PVC from the septic tank, which will be reduced down to 3 inches to service two bathrooms and a bar sink. They are also installing a sump pump, installing additional drain pipes for the first floor along with a sewage pump for the basement bathroom.

John expresses deep gratitude for the opportunity to work with his father, stating, "I wouldn't be the plumber I am today without him." His admiration for his dad's mentorship shines through in the video, making it clear that this father-son duo is not only about plumbing but also about carrying a family legacy.

Who got you into plumbing, or who do you look up to in your profession? Share your stories! 

@plumberjohnn Master plumber shows how its done ? #newconstruction #homereno #renovation #homeinprovement #diyplumbing #masterplumber #diyproject ? Emotional (Instrumental) - BLVKSHP


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