Plumber’s Jetting Problems Solved by Powerful Trailer Jetter

A Texas plumber found his best fit in a jetter with more power and dependability

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Plumber’s Jetting Problems Solved by Powerful Trailer Jetter

Jake Rogers used to have trouble with his jetter.

“We had a little lawn-mower-size one — a little bit bigger than a pressure washer. It struggled to clean lines and it was constantly breaking down, more problematic than anything.

“We just wanted something a little more powerful, something that would last a little longer without any problems and a trailer jetter fit that purpose.”

The owner of Lifeline Plumbing in Katy, Texas, specializes in residential service, doing a lot of drain cleaning, repairs and warranty service — so a jetter that is powerful and dependable is a must. He made some calls and internet searches and found Jetters Northwest.

Rogers decided to go with the Eagle 300 trailer jetter. “We were able to build it pretty much the way we wanted it — and the price was right.”

His company uses the jetter typically for 2- to 4-inch pipes, like kitchen sink lines. Rogers requested the remote for wireless jetting, which he says is excellent and makes it so much easier to operate. “I actually just had to order another remote because we lost one. It’s a pain in the butt having to walk out, turn the valves on, walk back, jet it … back and forth. We have to do stuff like jet from the roof, or a lot of times the problems are in the backyard so we have to drag the hose back there.”

He also added a chemical injection system to his Eagle 300. “It’s a way to get the product we use in there and get it working. Sometimes the grease is so thick you can’t get a cable through, so (the chemical injection system) makes it easier to clean the line better.”

Rogers is more than satisfied with his decision — and the service from Jetters Northwest. “We’re really happy with it; it’s done everything we’ve needed it to do.

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