The Portable Sewerooter T-4 Easily Clears Drainlines Up to 100 Feet Long

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The Sewerooter T-4 does a better job of clearing inside drainlines up to 100 feet long with 9/16-inch Flexicore cable. It has more torque than traditional 1/2-inch cables, yet it can be used to clear the same 3- to 4-inch drainlines. Need to clear tree roots too? Just switch drums to a 75 foot, 5/8-inch Flexicore cable to clear 3- to 6-inch lines. 

Added durability 

The heavy-duty, variable-speed Power Cable Feed drives and retracts 9/16- and 5/8-inch cables at up to 20 feet per minute. To adjust to different cable sizes, simply turn the knob on top of the feed. The screwdriver stays in the toolbox. 

The heavy-duty reinforced frame and drum support shaft take rough handling in the field. The 1/3 hp capacitor motor has plenty of power to drive more than 100 feet of cable. And the unique self-aligning Flexitube distributor tube reduces the risk of cable tangling in the drum.

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