Where Can You Find the Most Jobs After Completing Plumbing and Pipe Fitter Training?

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If you're considering plumbing or have been plumbing, you might be curious about where you'll find the most employment. Here’s a quick overview of the top 10 states and metropolitan areas with the highest employment rates for plumbing and pipe fitting jobs, based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey

These states collectively employ 28,620 plumbers, pipe fitters, and steam fitters, with an impressive annual wage of $76,030. Thanks to their large populations and extensive residential areas, these states offer abundant job opportunities. Pennsylvania's history with the steel and oil industries also provides many opportunities for pipefitters.


California, with 48,040 plumbers, has the second-highest employment level in the U.S. Plumbers here earn an annual mean wage of about $61,410. Major cities like Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Anaheim are key employment hubs. Despite having one of the most extensive water systems globally, California still faces a shortage of skilled plumbers and pipe fitters.

Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin

These states offer the third-highest employment level, with plumbers earning an annual mean wage of $83,080 — the highest in the nation. Chicago's robust economy, driven by manufacturing and food processing industries, creates ample opportunities for pipe fitters.


Texas offers diverse job opportunities in industries ranging from industrial manufacturing to construction. Plumbers and pipe fitters in Texas can earn an annual mean wage of $53,170, with cities like Houston, Dallas, and Fort Worth being major employment centers.

Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Although these states may not have the highest employment levels, they offer competitive wages, with plumbers earning an annual mean wage of $72,200. Major cities such as Boston, Cambridge, and Nashua provide numerous job opportunities.


Florida employs 25,360 plumbers and pipe fitters, who earn an annual mean wage of $44,200. With its booming tourism industry and high population, Florida is a great place to find plumbing jobs, particularly in areas with many hotels and resorts.

If you’re considering a career in plumbing or pipe fitting, these states offer promising opportunities and competitive wages to help you get started in the industry.


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